Poreklom je iz jugoistočnih delova Severne Amerike, a u Evropi se vekovima gaji kao atraktivna dekorativna vrsta. Drvo je kvalitetno, otporno na truljenje i dugo vremena može da provede u vodi. Koristi se u brojne namene, uključujući izradu čamaca, mostova, dokova, ograda, buradi, pragova za šine, ali i baštenskog nameštaja.
U starim stablima postoji veći broj šupljina koje predstavljaju značajno sklonište za veliki broj vrsta divljih životinja, a semenima se hrane brojne ptice.
Zbog sličnosti listova sa tisom (Taxus sp.) je rod Taxodium dobio ime, dok distichum znači dvoredan, što se odnosi na raspored četina raščešljanih u dva reda.
Status ugroženosti – ne smatra se ugroženom (LC).
The bald cypress is a coniferous tree of the cypress family (Cupressaceae) and can reach a height of up to 30 m, with a mature tree up to 1 m in diameter. The species is long-lived, with the oldest known individual having an estimated age of over 1600 years. Characteristic adaptations of this species to its natural habitat are the supporting and aerating roots, called pneumatophores, which extend up to one meter above the soil surface, oxygenating underground organs of the plant. It is native to the southeastern parts of North America and has been grown in Europe for centuries as an attractive ornamental plant. The wood is of high quality, resistant to decay, and can sit in water for long periods of time. It is used for a number of purposes, including the construction of boats, bridges, docks, fences, barrels, railing sleepers, but also for garden furniture.